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25. april 2024

Køge Bugt Efterår 2010 - Åbninger spillet med
A00: Uncommon åbning (1 a3, b3, d3, g4, etc.)

4Bjørn Johannsen (1609) - Erik Levin Hansen (1822) ½ - ½ Replay the game Bjørn Johannsen vs Erik Levin Hansen using Silverlight chess board
6Kim Amdi Orup (1553) - Carsten Wieland (1562) 1 - 0 Replay the game Kim Amdi Orup vs Carsten Wieland using Silverlight chess board
7Kim Amdi Orup (1553) - Peter Ove Krogh (1922) 0 - 1 Replay the game Kim Amdi Orup vs Peter Ove Krogh using Silverlight chess board